The Fiancée Farce Book Cover Review.
The Fiancée Farce Book Cover Review. 💗💖 2022 is really a great year because there were many sapphic romance novels published and I am sure we can count on this book too. Simply because of the amazing anomaly book cover that steals many readers' hearts. With my first glance at this cover, my eyes cannot get off it because it was so sweet and relaxing to just randomly glance at it. It creates some sort of addiction simply because of the colour choice. Pink is an exceedingly approachable colour because it does not exhibit any form of threat or intimidating. The cover designer has an excellent sense to welcome the character to the reader with unbridled joy. What further captures readers' attention is the two pink brides' stance. We have no idea whether is the character's pre-wedding post or anything it could be. But this stance is very romantic, it shows both characters have a never-ending passion. The girl with high heels shows confidence in her partner and the pa...